Einstein Headline Animator

Monday, September 28, 2009

Typhoon Ondoy and the Doctor

From this video you will hear the people screaming. The people who are taking this videos were young adult. Most of them shout for help because they saw the lady on top of the car. The lady on top of the car is a doctor by the way this incident was taken on the top of the hospital.

Typhoon Ondoy

This tube was taken by on of the filipino concern who ask to post it on any site so and asking for a little help for Filipinos.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fat Barbie

Oh no Fat Barbie!!!

Barbie was one of the most popular dolls in the whole world. Her beauty spread all over the seven continent of the world. It gives life to the young children. She also inspired many little girls on how they are going to be in the future. The most common feature of Barbie is sexy and glamorous. On this picture you will see a very contradicting feature of Barbie. Yah men she is Barbie. Imagine Barbie a very fat woman he he he. At first I was shook on this picture but then laugh. It is very funny. But you know guys it kind of a cool stuff so I share it here so that you can see the picture of Fat Barbie.

This means that everything on earth is not permanent; the only permanent here is change (Anonymous). So be the best start today. Have a nice day and may Allah bless you.

Rubber Boats

The Philippine Government in the National Capital Region is going to purchase forty (40) new rubber boats because of the recent experience in flood. The purchase will be done with in the soonest possible time for fast track support.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What are the RFID tag Components and functions

Tag Components and Functions

Looking through the basic parts of tags, the transmitter is like those of any other ordinary radios, serving similar functions. Its main role is in the receipt and transmission of radio waves. Considering however its size, its capability is limited. Nevertheless, this again varies according to the type of radio frequency identification. Passive tags would only be powered as it receives radio waves, but, the electromagnetic field may be within tags in case of multiple tags in a container.
Source: IBM Corporation 2004 (Schaeffe,Stefen et al., 2004)
Radio frequency identification tags whether it is a passive of active type has its cryptogram credentials electronically encoded into its integrated circuit or commonly called IC. This minimal cryptogram is usually modified to avoid the dangers of deletion . This is likewise the specific part that must be enhanced to maintain the tag’s integrity.
According to Schaeffer et al, radio frequency identification coordinates electronic supervision as well as decision in the absence of individual interference. Radio frequency identification infrastructure can detect presence of tags and further take appropriate actions to messages.
Figure 6 Tag with label
The RFID chip or the so called integrated circuit (IC) and an antenna are usually placed into some form of shielding devise, which can be as bulky as a credit card or miniaturized to fit on a finger tip, depending on the application and tag manufacturer or the requirement specified by the end user.
Figure 7 Other features of tags

These are the different tags that are commonly sold in the market; however, some are not visually readable within line of sight because it is embedded inside the item. These tags are assigned in a different appropriate package.

What are RFID tags

Since 1966, products in the supply chain are tagged with barcodes from the point of production which are left on until selling. These are correspondingly read and recorded by scanners for the respective product identity number and price. The system largely increased Company productivity and mechanized product management. But, barcodes which are simply printed over pieces of paper can be easily scraped, scratch, water damage, if not creased making it unavailable for scanning.

Radio identification tags are more compensating over the usual barcodes. The tags attached on goods can be read and identified while in transit, which means the merchandize does not have to be on static position to figure out its data. For example in shipping containers or in trucking, the merchandize does not have to be unloaded for inventory. As well, monitoring starts from the production site to the vendors selling areas, or until after the radio frequency identification is turned off by the vendor which is an indication of sale.

According to the author,” Each RFID system has different components and customizations so that it can support a particular business process for an organization; as a result, the security risk for RFID systems and the controls available to address them are highly varied. The enterprise and inter-enterprise subsystems involve common IT components such as servers, databases, and networks and therefore can benefit from typical IT security controls for those components” (Karygianis, Tom et al., 2007).

Common devices that employ RFID

Friday, September 25, 2009

What is Radio Frequency Spectrum

Radio Frequency Spectrum
The gamut of incidence of motion of electrical charges within a circuitry commonly called radio frequency may be expanded as essential electromagnetic waves in space varying upon the number of cycles electrical current resonate in a coupling. This is categorized as low frequency, high frequency, ultrahigh frequency, and microwave.

Figure 3 : Radio Frequency Field


Arrow = Direction of the RF field

Dash = Radio Frequency (Signal)

The figure shows that the RFID reader or interrogator creates a radio-frequency field dependent on the specifications of the users to activate multiple passive tags, and to interrogate multiple active tags simultaneously. This means that the multiple RFID tags can be read simultaneously. An interrogator can be programmed to read as much as fifty (50) tags per second .

The RFID tags can be programmed to contain an encryption on information that allows it to be tracked and monitored as to the movements of packages in the supply chain, whether in pallets, in boxes or in container vans, even in boats merchandize can be tracked.

Connection between circuit or coupling and Resonance

Connection between Circuits or Coupling

In a radio frequency identification system, the inductance circuit can be coupled. It is this inductance coupling principle that is commonly employed in tags. Nevertheless, capacitive and radiative or backscatter coupling may also be used.
The dimensions of the inductance circuit determine its natural frequency limits which are in turn dependent on its stored energy. The stored energy which is in the form of electrical charges is capable of movement within the circuit creating a situation called resonance or back and forth motion of positive and negative charges from one circuit to another and back. The incidence of motion of charges is in itself the radio frequency capable of working with an antenna.

Voltage induction and magnetic fields

In a circuit, electrical charges move along a conductor line or wire. These charges when allowed to pass through a multimeter would create an anode and a cathode terminal. These terminals can be affixed to a coiled conductor line creating a station of magnetic field as stored energy. The whole set is called an inductance circuit.

What is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Radio frequency identification is not a commonplace item in the distribution and supply chain at the moment worldwide. It may however be in a few years time if the small business enterprises that do not mind costs would indulge considering additional input to pricing. High-end Companies though have employed the technology for the ease, and comfort in the monitoring of production as well as distribution of the business outputs, subsequently tracking shipments to distant lands without losing a single item in the inventory. Plus, is the ease of stocks inventories.

Experiment in Circular Motion

Uniform Circular motion was observed in this experiment. Students have to apply a constant speed on the bob, this is to produced unifrm circular motion. The main tasks of the students on this experiment was to investigate how the forces involved in circular motion of the body.

The student made his first rotation on this event. Other students were observing the rotation of the bob.

This girl makes her first rotation on the circular motion activity. Her group mates were at the other side that's why they haven't seen in the picture.

This guy makes his best to give most precise rotation. His group mates were also at the side for the corridor and just makes their keen observation.

This guy is one of the performer of the group. As you can see on the picture the guy makes his full effort to give his best to produce a more precise data for their informational gathering.

This group made their brainstorming on how they are going to perform the activity precisely. Mostly they were tackling their pre-lab lesson and checking the application.

Experiment on Circular Motion on the go

The start of the experiment.
One student was pointing his finger for the correct instruction. Other student were handling the weight as for the start however student release it when it starts to twirlled. Note: The person who perform the activity hold the PVC pipe and not on string. When the rotation makes a constant speed students will start to count the number of rotation.

Students were now performing their activity. It can also be seen in the picture that most students were observing the person who was twirling the bob.

Observing. Students were very keen in observing the number of rotations. It can also be seen in the picture that the recorder were seating on the gater for the complition of their records.

Experiment on Circular Motion

Though the experiment of circular motion was not that exciting because there are still some computations students still shows participation and inquiry. Here is some proof that students were asking questions with there teacher (Mr. Dexter Lopez, the man with black pants)

After some thorough observations students made there final tasks by comparing and computing there perecntage errors. Students taking some notes for some clarification on there experiments.

As you can see on the pictures students were comparing their final results. They often do this have some precise data and to complete their on the day tasks.

On this picture you will see students and my co teacher who were lying on the floor for a little bit relaxation. But still doing there task in fact you can see my co-teacher handling a meterstick. Meaning still on the go. She often instruct her students and then observe what there were doing and then afterwards she corrects some of the misleading students with the experiment.

Toshiba High Quality

My High Quality Toshiba

Toshiba Corporation was established in 1875. It is one of the most popular corporation in the world and was been classified as a world-class innovator and global high technology product leader. It has 247 major subsidiaries and also has affiliation worldwide. The Toshiba first launch of the T1100 notebook PC was done in 1985 and was successfully recorded worldwide cumulative shipment of more than 60 million notebook PCs at the December 2008 and still continue to expand.
With the ever expanding and most reliable and helpful device I brought one for my work. I brought my Toshiba not only because it is popular but it is because most of my friends recommend it and another reason is that it last. The package was very unbreakable, the screen was fluid, keyboard are very soft and lastly it is very presentable (formal package presentation not just for cutie cutie ).
In this regards when some of my new co-faculty ask me what is the good laptop. I told them Toshiba because it last for a long period of time. And of course I told them some of the good points that I have mentioned above.
So brothers and sisters if you like laptop buy TOSHIBA not the unbranded laptop. Don’t experiments try the well tested? TOSHIBA HIGH QUALITY

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thanks to Laptop

Proud to have nice lap top because I can compute my grades, statistics problem and other encoding easily. This also helps me in all of my research papers. With this I dont need to visit the national library to see thesis and dissertation.
This also lessen are stuff because we dont need manila paper or cartolina or visual aids.

Imagine with out computer.

My first day as a teacher was reminds me an old style teacher. I know that its an old style because yo have to prepared visual aids. But now no need you just need the access on the net and whalla you have your powerpoint presentations.

Now that I have my TOSHIBA I can explore and do all my work easily.

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